Progress Towards

1991 - 2000



In the age of a knowledge economy, NCKU was burgeoning with distinguished
achievements and progressing towards excellence.
NCKU established its R&D foundation and general research center, creating new opportunities
for industrial and economic development through industry-academia collaborations.
NCKU led the world in enterovirus research, with results included
in the guidelines of the WHO for enterovirus treatment.
NCKU is connecting with the rest of the world and internationalizingits
campus to realize its vision of a global village.


The Research and Development Foundation was founded in 1993, intiating a new model of cooperation between academia and industry

In 1993, during a period of ever-increasing cooperation between …


NCKU proceeded to procure the land of Wen Da Wu gradually from the Tainan City government for its “Annan Campus”. The purchase of the land in its entirety was completed in 1999.


Responding to the call for campus democracy and academic freedom, NCKU held its first presidential election in 1994 when Dr. Jing Wu was elected as the NCKU president.


Admission of international students into NCKU in 1995, furthering its international reach

As a result of its collaboration with Purdue University in the 1950s, the school transformed itself as a beacon for overseas Chinese …


NCKU established its General Research Center, the first of its kind in Taiwan, in 1996. NCKU established its Innovation Headquarters in 2020 to facilitate the administion of industry-academia collaboration, technology transfers, and innovation

In the 1990s, when NCKU saw an increase of commissioned projects and …


NCKU established its College of Social Sciences to nurture talented professionals who are civic-minded and practice fairness and justice.


Leading Enterovirus Research in 1998; Vaccine Unblind Results Announced in 2021

In 1998, an enterovirus epidemic broke out with over a million young children infected in Taiwan. Patients in early cases showed symptoms …


NCKU established its Art Center to promote art performances and literary exhibitions and help students broaden their vision of the arts and humanities.


Turning Against the Tides

Progressing by Leaps and Bounds
